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    Psychiatric Medicines Have a Lot of Side Effects – Is This true?


    Psychiatric Medicines Have a Lot of Side Effects – Is This true?

    FAQ 2 – Answered by Dr. Parth Goyal

    Continuing with our FAQ series, we will try to find answer for another frequently asked questions by patient or relatives and seem to be of great concern to people.

    This time, let us see what Dr. Parth Goyal, Consultant Psychiatrist in Ahmedabad, Parth Hospital, has to say certain misconceptions about psychiatric medicines – the side effects are worse than the original symptoms.

    Psychiatric medicines have a lot of side effects. I don’t want to take them.

    All medicines have side effects. Psychiatric medicines are no exceptions. However, the real questions are:

    1. Why are medicines being considered to begin with: This is the most important and the most difficult to accept.

    According to a trained professional, your illness is at a stage, whereby, if you are not treated medically, there is a very significant possibility of your condition worsening or you not improving by yourself. Your illness is biological in nature and is occurring because of changes in your brain chemistry.

    2. Are there any life-threatening side effects.

    Usually, psychotropic medicines have no life-threatening effects. However please check with your psychiatrist for details.

    3. What the most common concepts regarding psychiatric medicines?

    • Psychiatric medicines once started will be continued for a life time
    • Medicines make people fat
    • Medicines for psychiatric illnesses are addictive in nature
    • All medicines are given to make a person sleep
    • Medicines don’t cure a patient; they keep them drowsy all day

    4. Why is there so much resistance towards these medicines or Why this “Kolavari Di”

    People fail to understand that psychiatric illnesses are alike any other biological illness. Mild diseases do not need aggressive treatment, but if the illness is severe or recurring in nature, it needs to be treated.

    Treatment of a psychiatric illness doesn’t mean someone is weak or unable to take care of themselves. Just like any fever or infection, it’s the inability of the body to perform its routine activities. When someone has an infection, we treat them with antibiotics, which aids/supplements the body’s immune system. This doesn’t mean the person is weak, it just means that the immune system needs some help from an external source.

    Patients often feel like they are doing well, able to work and hence they don’t need medicines. The point to note here is, that psychiatric illnesses are progressive in nature. You might be able to do your work today, but it might not be the same case tomorrow. It’s easier to treat when the illness is in its initial stages than when it progresses to something more.

    Looking for psychiatrist in Ahmedabad? Drop us a message or give us a call for appointment.

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